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  • Can I request for my own color design?
    Yes, You can request for any design/product you like in any colors of your choice. we will be happy to design for you.
  • The hair bows, Are they washable?"
    All our hair bows and hair bands can be washed, but for the sake of them lasting for you, we do not recomend washing as though washing clothes due to the fact that the glue (although strong) maight lose it's hold,rather we best recommend wiping with a dump cloth. Some of our bows and hair bands are sawed together, but still we recomend wiping with a dump cloth.
  • Do the bracelets lose color?
    Our bracelets are made from carefully selected beads that are guaranteed not to or never to lose their color.
  • Can I take a shower,wash or swim with my bracelet on?"
    Yes!, you can do all the above while wearing your bracelet, but, Just like any other jewelly, for it to last, we recommend that you remove it before doing any of the above. It's a jewellery, so we prefere you treat it the same way.
  • Can I walk in the water with my flip-flops?
    Yes, You can. They are designed to last as long as you take care of them.
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